5660 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Suite 445 Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Crimmigration Lawyers in Colorado

Asylum seekers waiving the American flag after being granted asylum.
If you are facing any sort of criminal charges as an immigrant in the United States, your future can be impacted in ways you wouldn’t even imagine. Representation in court by a specialized crimmigration lawyer such as our attorneys at Barringer Law Firm helps protect your immigration status and dreams of citizenship.

What is Crimmigration?

Simply put, Crimmigration is where the law areas of Criminal and Immigration intersect. A person who is not already a citizen and is facing criminal charges of any kind needs to understand the impact of a criminal conviction on their immigration prospects, either now or in the future.

Any criminal case beyond a minor traffic offense can affect an individual’s immigration status. Whether documented or undocumented, a criminal conviction could have lasting impacts on all future immigration actions that individual wishes to undertake. Making sure that your lawyer is aware of both your current immigration status and any future immigration plans will make a huge difference in how your criminal case is handled. Make sure that you work with a specialized crimmigration lawyer on your case to ensure the best possible outcome.

Crimmigration cases are almost always handled in criminal court – a large shift from immigration cases, which take place in civil court. The discussion of immigration matters in criminal court is the biggest factor that sets crimmigration apart.

Why Is It Important to Get a Crimmigration Lawyer?

Representation by a lawyer with extensive knowledge of what will and will not be a problem for immigration is a big deal for individuals facing crimmigration charges. These days, District Attorneys tend to be more willing to work with lawyers on pleas that will avoid harsh immigration consequences – but it’s still up to the lawyer to know how to navigate that plea. Our crimmigration lawyers are equipped to do just that.

For example, imagine that you’re facing criminal charges and are offered a plea deal by the prosecutor in your case that only involves probation. That all sounds great, right? Until a few years down the road, when you want to do something with your immigration status and are turned away because of that conviction.

A good crimmigration lawyer will help you navigate your case to avoid immigration consequences and protect your dreams of future immigration status.


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